"Blogging: A way to remember.
Live. Sing. Angry. Smile. Love. Mad. Crazy. Laugh. Believe. Eat. Travel. Happy :)
Sep 18, 2010
Yuk ditulis ditulis!
Mar 4, 2010
Heart-melting song! *buat gue...*
PIC of one of my major's big event.
Not allowed to drive my car.
Girls. yes, girls too. they just chipping like birds makin' my head wanna blow.
Since my head is so full of those @#%#$%@#% things, why don't I freshen myself up with this sssssssssweet sweet song by Mr. Gabe Bondoc? :) At least his lyrics are so sincere and he got the SOUL to sing songs like that! Me likey :)
This song's called When You Say (Nine). i wonder what the 'Nine' is.......
I do enjoy this song, hope you enjoy it too :)
here's for his Twitter, and here's for his Facebook account
Keep on making music, G!
"Music is what life sounds like
-Eric Olson
Mar 1, 2010
Miam Miam!
Well, without further adue, here are the pics n bits from our la nuit de le miam miam! Tapi agak disayangkan berhubung ruangannya rada remang, gue harus naekkin ISO si Kamerah *kamera gue yg berwarna merah* yang membuat gambar jadi aga ber-noise..
cho.co.lat MMMMMM!! :)
Peking Duck enak, dan sebelah kirinya yang terpotong, adalah ayam bungkus smthg yg enak juga
Feb 3, 2010
The meaning of purpose in your life.
Singkat kata, sampailah gue pada hari ini..
Gue ngantuk, berhari-hari pulang malem karena harus temenin sodara gue (yang balik Indo cuma sebulan) untuk jalan disini.
Gue laper tapi ga napsu makan.
Gue punya PR.
Gue harus mengerjakan tugas mata kuliah Character Development, karena besok harus dikumpul. Tugas tersebut adalah membaca suatu buku berjudul The Purpose Driven Life karangan Rick Warren. Pertama denger ada tugas itu, tentu saja yah, yang ada di otak pertama kali adalah M-A-L-E-S. Gue dikasih fotokopian bab yang harus gue rangkum, which are seven chapters! Kemarin di kampus, gue baca dua halaman pertama dan langsung gue masukkin tas tuh buku. TULISAN SEMUA!! Weewww... Dikasih tugas dari 2 minggu lalu, baru gue kerjain malem ini. In fact, I'm in the middle of doing it.
Dan kenapakah gue rela meninggalkan peer gue untuk membuat blog ini padahal gue udah pengen cepet-cepet tidur? Sebenernya sih pengen bilang karena gue mau mengalihkan otak sebentar :p Tapi ada alasan yang lebih keren sih: ternyata buku ini menarik untuk dishare. Dan sebelum gue lupa alesan knapa dia menarik, mending buru2 gue tulis d blog.
Cliché, ada bagian yang "kena" buat gue dalam buku ini. Buku ini terkesan seperti si pengarang cuma cerita. Bukan persuasif, bukan mempengaruhi, atau apalah itu. Tapi guenya aja sih terbujuk hahahahaha :p
Intinya -sesuai judulnya- si pengarang mau memberitahu bahwa, "Hey guys. Hidup lo harus punya tujuan. Tahu darimana tujuan hidup lo? PDKT sono ama Tuhan."
Iyah. Itu bener2 intinya. Pendek yah?
Tapi, for me, saat ini itu berarti banget. Gue sampai pada titik dimana, gue harus punya tujuan mau dibawa kemana hidup gue ini.... Udah ga bisa lagi loh gue kuliah cuman asal kuliah. Gue ntar kerja cuman asal kerja. Dan gue pacaran asal milih pacar. Gue juga mau punya pacar yang tahu apa tujuan dia (cowo seperti itu lebih menarik lho :p ).
Tujuan kita bisa macem2 kan. Seperti tujuan jangka pendek gue, DISNEYWORLD FLORIDA!!! Dan setelah gue nabung beberapa lama, kesampean juga dapet duit tiketnya hehe. Karena punya tujuan, gue tergerak untuk menabung. Coba ga pengen k Disneyworld. Gue pasti ga punya duit. Itu contoh kecilnya.. Nah bayangkan kalau tujuan bokap nyokap kita kerja adalah...... nothing. Ya kerja aja gitu. Tujuannya bukan untuk bayarin kita sekolah, bayarin kita makan. Bisa-bisa abis juga tuh duid!!!!
To get to our purpose, we have to have VISION and FAITH. Yah beberapa teman gue tidak punya iman terhadap Pappa kita di surga, but well, we all have our version of faith, right? Ga nyangka gue, setelah membaca bab-bab awal buku ini, gue menjadi agak tertampar. Karena gue hidup memang ada sih tujuan, tapi yah, tanpa dibarengi sama doa.. Tanpa dibarengi sama "minta bimbingan dari Pappa" gitu deh istilahnya. Kalau ga tanya Pappa, gimana gue tahu tujuan itu yang uda Pappa rencanain buat gue?
After we got our purpose, then we can start the "machine" that can move us to the direction we desired. Jadi, hal paling mudah yang kita bisa lakukan adalah mulai memiliki tujuan dalam hidup. Sesimpel apapun itu. Then, your life will worth living :)
"Allah tidak bermain dadu
-Albert Einstein
Jan 24, 2010
another simple riddle.
Once upon a time, there was a Prince. He was so loved by a Princess, she really gave him her all, and so did the Prince... They loved each other. The Prince thought that the Princess was the one for him, and she also would never loved anyone like she loved him.
Then one day, the Prince was walking in the forest, when he met a Witch who was making a potion. He approached the Witch to ask for some water for him to drink for he was so thirsty.
"O Witch, would you be so kind to give this thirsty man some of your potion to drink?" asked the Prince.
"No, Prince, no. I'll make you another one, but not this one, no," said the Witch. "Just wait for me making a new one for you."
The Prince cannot wait so he said "It's okay, this one looks fine". He grabbed a goblet near the cauldron, dipped it in the potion, and he drank it.
"Don't drink it, Prince! I still have no idea what that is!" the Witch shouted.
But it was too late, he had already finished drinking that potion...
She smiled back at him, and asked him "What happened to you, Prince? You looked so happy today. I never seen you smile like just now." She was blushing.
"I.. I never felt like this," answered the Prince, still putting a smile, bigger smile on his face.
"Yes, I, too, never seen you this happy. Are you smiling.. because of me?" asked the Princess.
"I think, I've fallen in love.."
The Princess was so happy hearing him say that, "Oh, have you, Prince? And with whom that might be?"
The Prince looked at the sky, happiness in his eyes, and he answered, "With the Witch.."
The Princess was broken into thousand pieces. She forced him to tell her exactly what happened. After finished telling the story, the Princess believed that the Witch had tricked Prince to drink that Love Potion. She hated that Witch so much for she had taken the one she loved.
Prince said that he had to leave, he had to be with the Witch. The Princess begged him to stay but Prince just went on his horse, and ride so fast that the Princess couldn't catch him. She dropped to the ground, covered in tears..
Years passed by and still, the Princess loved the Prince so much. She never forget him and did anything she could, anyway she could think of to find the whereabout of the Prince. She never gave up on him, believed that despite of the potion, he was still in love with her. The Princess still waited for him, she didn't care about any other one because she still had faith with the Prince.
Then one day, the Prince came back.
With the Witch..
Princess was soooo furious, she shouted at the Witch, asking her why she did this to her. She cried, and she cried, and she kept shouting. The Prince calmed her down, telling her that there's a reason for this. Then the Witch started to explain..
That day in the forest when they met, the Witch had no idea what that potion is. But when the Prince had come back to the Witch's place, then she knew that that was a Love Potion. The Witch had asked him to leave, asked him to go back to his real life, but the Prince, who was still under the spell, had insisted to stay with her no matter what.
All this time, the Witch had tried to make an antidote for that potion, to go back on the spell. While she was trying, the Prince was so kind to her, he was so in love and put so much attention to her. The Witch was tired of making the Prince go away, so she let him stay. And well, she started to fall in love with him, too.. But deep down she knew, it's just the potion, not the heart..
Then, finally, the Witch was able to find the cure of that potion. Unwillingly, she forced the Prince to drink that antidote because she didn't want him to be forever under the spell.
"Why are you forcing me to drink that filthy thing??" asked the Prince.
"Because this is what you want, believe me!"
"No, YOU are what I want! Don't you want me to stay?"
"I do, I do, but please, this will make you free..." begged the Witch.
"But I am free.."
"If you really love me, then please help me, drink this..."
"You still think I'm under the spell? I don't! I love you!"
"Yes, I still think you are! If you are not, then drinking this won't hurt at all, right? So, please Prince.. Don't give us a hard time..." and the Witch started to cry, tears fell down on her cheek. It hurts her more than anything in the world.
The Prince looked deep into her eyes, and he finally agreed to drink the antidote. He blinked his eyes.
The Princess hugged the Prince. She wouldn't look into the Witch, she still hated her so much. Then the Witch just walked away, into the forest, and that was the last time they saw her.
"Are you okay? Did she hurt you? How do you feel?" the Princess was asking questions to make sure that he was okay. But the Prince just stared at the forest, his eyes were blank. "Why didn't you say anything, Prince? Are you still under her spell??" she asked furiously.
"No, I don't," answered the Prince. "I don't... The spell wore off back that earlier months. I don't know why I stayed even after I realize I was not under the spell, but later I stayed with her because I... Because I don't want to leave her..."
The Princess was once again so broken, she felt that everything she's done was so pointless. "So... All this time, it wasn't the spell?"
"No... And I leave her, because she wanted me to. She didn't believe me..." And a tear fell down on his cheek.
Yes, the Prince had come back. The Princess finally got him back. But she had lost his heart... All she had now, is hatred towards the Witch.
Pelajaran moral:
Penjahatnya adalah si Penyihir. Korbannya adalah Putri.
"Yes, the Witch IS always the b**ch... How dare you hurt the Prince AND the Princess?? Screw you!!
Jan 16, 2010
Happy no lucky.
Apa sih itu kebahagiaan..? Banyak orang bilang, kebahagiaan itu kita yang buat sendiri, kita cuma harus melihat dari sisi yang benar.
Saat kita punya teman, kita harusnya bahagia.
Saat kita punya kerjaan atau sekolah, kita harusnya bersyukur.
Saat kita punya uang untuk makan, kita harusnya bahagia.
Saat kita punya selimut untuk nahan dingin, kita harusnya bersyukur banget.
Saat kita punya mobil untuk jalan, aduh ya ampun, kita beruntung.
Saat kita punya jiwa untuk membantu orang, kita harusnya bahagia.
Saat kita punya keluarga.. That's the basic of your happiness, isn't it? :)
Tapi, gimana kalau, keluarga lo ada ga suka sama kebahagiaan lu yang lain? Malah, mereka membenci kebahagiaan lo dengan alasan kebahagiaan lo tuh BEGO. NAIF. dan ga mungkin berhasil.
Kita umpakan dengan: mau masuk jurusan saat kuliah. Let's say ada fakultas MENCUCI PIRING. Terdengar bodoh bukan? Semua orang juga tau fakultas mencuci piring tuh bego banget. Tapi lo yakin, kalau lo masuk situ lo akan berhasil! Lo akan tau trik-trik mencuci piring dengan amat bersih sehingga orang-orang akan sayang pake piring yang bersih itu sampe gajadi dipake dan cuma dipajang.
Tapi keluarga lo bilang bahwa pilihan lo tuh bego banget! Ga akan berhasil! Buat apa??! Ga ada ujungnya! Semua udah menunjukkan bahwa jurusan itu tuh fcuked up! Dan lo tiap hari kecewa karena tiap ngebahas jurusan mencuci piring, lo dikatain ama keluarga lo karena mereka ingin lo ambil yang terbaik buat elo.
Oke gue mulai ngemeng ngelantur. Cukup deh.
Intinya, how if you have faith that ur happiness will work out, despite of their saying that it won't..?
To be honest, up until now, gue ga tau apa yang gue rasakan itu disebut faith atau plain stupid.
Pernah gue ditanya sama temen gue begini:
But turns out that "they" really really really HATE it.
So, because i really really really LOVE "them", (or maybe cos i'm afraid of them..)
I will leave it, then..
Jadi, apa sih kebahagiaan itu?
Saat lo memiliki semua yang lo mau?
Saat lo memiliki semua yang lo butuhkan?
Saat lo bisa merasa puas dengan apa yang ada sekarang?
Saat lo mempertahankan apa yang lo sayang? Atau saat lo mengorbankan sesuatu yang lo sayang for a greater good?
"Dan apakah itu disebut kebahagiaan kalau ternyata itu adalah sumber dari semua ini...
Jan 12, 2010
Through The Fire
You’ve loved so dangerously
You’re not trusting your heart to anyone
You tell me you’re gonna play it smart
We’re through before we start
But I believe that we’ve only just begun
When its this good, there’s no saying no
I want you so, I’m ready to go
Through the fire
To the limit, to the wall
For a chance to be with you
I’d gladly risk it all
Through the fire
Through whatever, come what may
For a chance at loving you
I’d take it all the way
Right down to the wire
Even through the fire
I know you’re afraid of what you feel
You still need time to heal
And I can help if you’ll only let me try
You touch me and something in me knew
What I could have with you
Well I’m not ready to kiss that dream goodbye
When it’s this sweet, there’s no saying no
I need you so, I’m ready to go
Through the test of time
Through the fire, to the limit
Through the fire, through whatever
Through the fire, to the limit
Through the fire, through whatever
Jan 9, 2010
Tragedi laptop dan kecap
gue: (ngomong ke tante gue) "Liet nihhh Owi baru beli somayy!" (sambil miring-miringin piring depan webcam biar keliatan jelas somay telor plus sambel kacang) "Mau ga?? Pulang sini.. Hehe"
dan tibi-tibi, nyokap bersuara: "YAAAHH DEEE!! ITU KECAPNYA NETES!"
bingunglah tante gue karena tibi-tibi muka gue semua di layar komputernya. secara, gue nunduk-nunduk tepat depan webcam untuk beresin tu kecap laknat.. hiks.. dari tissu Aqua sampe pembersih kaca gue pake smua buat nyerep itu kecap dari keyboard gue.
gue ga smpet foto tuh kecap di keyboard gue! gue cuma buru-buru bersiin laptop gue dan abisin somay itu sebelum dia kedinginan.. gue harus lebih meningkatkan jiwa kepo gue termasuk foto-foto apa pun ASAP.
Status: ga ngerti
Time: (menurut waktu laptopku, si oMac) gue mule ngetik pada pukul 0437WIB.
eh ini sudah pagi loh. sebentar lagi si burung akan bercuit-cuit, kakak dan papa akan bangun untuk kerja, dan mama akan bangun untuk bikinin sarapan plus milo buat mereka (u're so dedicated, Mom, love ya *kisses*). but WHY AM I STILL AWAKE?? argggghhh..!! ini yg nama ny insomniaaaa, ato emang lagi kepikiran sesuatu aja sihh??
kepikiran apa? hehe sini gue curcooll.. *padahal emang pgn ngoceh*
bantulah gue menjawab pertanyaan yang sering dtanyakan oleh orang-orang ini: apakah gunanya sebuah status? dalam artian, status "gue pacar lo" atau "gue temen lo". oke lah, karena sekarang lagi jaman, status "gue HTS-an elo" juga boleh kita konsiderasikan.
jadi yg membuat normal itu adalah status?
jadi status cuma semacam "ijin" untuk mendapat privileges dari masing2 pihak? dan "ijin" untuk memberikan lo the so-called rules and regulations of a relationship. gitu?
hm. oke, gue bisa terima itu.. (for now)
tapi, gmana kalo status tuh malah membuat elo jadi terbeban? (pernah ngerasain ga sih?) iya sayang, iya dia bukan cuma temen, iya dia ga kurang dari pacar. tapi gue ga bisa terima "aturan" yang tercipta dari status dan hubungan ini. (macam hubungan apaan aja.....) OH COME ON! kalo nanti merit, aturan akan lebih gila! komitmen akan lebih kuat! knapa harus dibikin aturan dari jaman pacaran ampe merit dan slanjutnya? knapa ga dipendekin aja aturannya tuh mulai dari merit? "latihan"? i don't get it.
with my experience up until now, gue bisa bilang, sebuah status dapat saja hanya suatu hal untuk membuat kita secure dan merasa memiliki (ato emang gtu ya?). kalo merit laen cerita ya, itu sesuatu yg jauh lebih indah (n maybe more scary) dibanding pacaran. kata temen gue, "pacaran adalah tahap pengenalan sebelum merit". lah, terus sebelom pacaran pas temenan, itu bukan tahap pengenalan? forgive me for my ignorance, but again, seriously, i don't get it.
kalau pacaran, akan ada aturan yg dibuat, dan perasaan sakit hati saat peraturan itu dilanggar. dan kenapa peraturan itu dilanggar? karena yg dikasih aturan ngerasa ngga cocok. terus berantem deh.. brantem gunanya apa? untuk saling mengerti? supaya bisa terbuka? supaya saling berkembang? gue setuju aturan yg membimbing, tapi sayangnya ada yang membuat aturan untuk membuat pasangannya nurut.
emangnya kalau ga pacaran dan hanya berstatus "teman", ga bisa saling mengerti? ga bisa terbuka? ga bisa jujur? kalau ga pacaran, saat ada sesuatu yg kita expect dari seseorang tp ga dilakukan, ya gapapa donk??? biarin aja dia mau ngapain, dia akan lebih menjadi dirinya sendiri saat ga dikasih aturan kan? kalo emang badung, ya badung.. bae, ya tau diri.. (and damn it's hard to find someone that's good from the root!) because nowadays, people are using this status to mold their beloved ones to be just like what they want. gue jadi bingung.
okaaayy, questioning session! bukan. bukan elo yg nanya. dari gue pertanyaannya, kalian yg jawab. bantu gue mengerti lika liku kehidupan.
apakah ada yang tau kenapa diciptakan status "pacaran"?
padahal, saat kita melihat orang yg kita sayang sebagai teman yg bisa dijadiin lebih, bukannya lebih enak karena kita jadi ga ada beban?
apakah HTS hanya bagi orang-orang yg mau enaknya aja dan gamau bagian pahitnya?
aturan tuh dibuat untuk membimbing dia atau men'jinak'an dia?
jadi bagaimana?
pheeww.. capek yah, pegel.
"Goodmorning, new day. I'm ready for more surprise!
Jan 6, 2010
contoh kasus.
Mama: "Owi cuci mobil sono"
Owi: "Aduh sabun ny abis, ma.. Beli dolo.."
Mama: "Ya beli gih, tuh duitnya d atas meja"
Owi: "Kayanya mau ujan ma gelep gitu, cuci mobil nya besok2 aja deh kalo musim kemarau"
Mama: "Males banget sih! percuma punya mobil kalo ga dirawat!"
contoh kasus kedua.
Mama: "Owi cuci mobil sono"
Owi: "Aduh sabun ny abis, ma.. Minta duid donk beli sabun."
Mama: "Tuh ambil di atas meja.."
Owi: "Yawd, pegi dulu deh bentar.."
Mari kita analisa. kalo yg pertama, hasilnya adalah:
- nyokap bete anaknya males,
- sabun mobil tetep ga ada yg beli, dan
- mobil tetep kotor...
- nyokap ga nyap-nyap
- laen kali kalo mao cuci mobil lebih gmpg krn sabun udah ada,
- mobil jadi bersih! seneng kn lietnya??
apa ga gerah liet orang-orang cuma nunggu dikasih bantuan? knapa mereka ga kerja untuk ngedapetin apa yg mereka mau?
so, peeps, why don't we start to do something??
Jan 3, 2010
it's 3AM in the morning.
my first posting and i don't even know what i'm gonna write..! gue bahkan gatau ad juntrungan apa yg bisa buat gue melek pagi buta gini untuk buat sebuah blog..
blog.. dmana orang bisa tulis semua yang mereka mau. mereka bisa mencurahkan keinginan mereka, bisa ngemeng tentang apapun yang ada di otak dan pikiran mereka, bisa tulis hal-hal baik yang mereka suka maupun benci, dan dmana mereka bisa meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa mereka sehingga *diharapkan* menjadi baik dan benar.
hmm. oke.
kalo gitu, kayanya gue akan butuh sebuah blog, sooner or later.
(belakangan, kayanya lingkungan ga mendukung dalam hal "me-letting-my-heart-out")
"Tonight, it's just me, my messy moody mind, and my warm green blanky..